Ep. 236: Gone Girl

This week, Gavia and Morgan revisit one of their favorite films of the past decade, David Fincher's adaptation of Gillian Flynn's bestselling novel Gone Girl. Topics include iconic performances from Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike, the film's (and novel's)slippery and provocative approach to feminist questions, its place in Fincher's filmography, and more.

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Episode 34: Passengers

In their last episode of the year, Morgan and Gavia ruminate on Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence's sci-fi romance Passengers, the best-worst film of the year. Questions include: How did this happen? Does Chris Pratt know he's playing a psychopath? Why does Jennifer Lawrence's skin look like that? Has Morten Tyldum ever watched a movie set in space before? And so on, and so forth.

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