Ep. 266: Magic Mike XXL

This week, Gavia and Morgan revisit a modern classic, "Magic Mike XXL," starring Channing Tatum as the titular Mike, Joe Manganiello and Matt Bomer as his stripper pals, Jada Pinkett Smith as an old flame, and more. Topics discussed include the film's radically chill depiction of masculinity, Tatum's charismatic performance and career, and the forthcoming sequel, in production now.

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What It's Like to Watch Joe Manganiello Dance for 8 Hours Straight,” Eliza Thompson, Cosmpolitan

Matt Bomer on Magic Mike XXL: It's All About Strong Female Characters,” Daniel D’Addario, Time

MAGIC MIKE XXL Cast Members Reminisce about Their Favorite Bromance Memories,” Christina Radish, Collider

Channing Tatum on First-Time Filmmaker Frustrations and How Soderbergh Talked Him Into ‘Magic Mike 3’,” Eric Kohn, IndieWire